By definition, poverty is the absence of basic needs to survive such as food, shelter and clothing. Currently, it is estimated that over 300 million children are in extreme poverty worldwide, with over 21 million of them living in the United States. The Caring Christians Four Kids organization seeks to help
those who are stricken by poverty through our four core value guides of faith, resources, health and education. We use these values as directives when we undertake projects designed to help children where ever they arise.

On the southern coast of Africa, we supported a local missionary by building a second grade classroom at Maasai Corner and later an entire school for kindergarteners in a nearby Muslin district. Also in Kenya we have built and continue to support the Dzombo Hero's Academy with funds for a much needed school lunch program.   We also help support children who have heart conditions through the Herma Heart Institute of Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee, Wi.

The Caring Christians Four Kids organization offers the Elmer and Grace Schroeder Scholarship. This scholarship represents our commitment to faith and
education in the lives of children who seek to gain a higher level of understanding in both their spiritual and social lives. We, as an organization, are dedicated to providing opportunities for children to grow, experience hope along with blazing a path toward success.

If we look away, how many of these children will be doomed to the continuation of a cycle of life that resides in despair? Thank you for visiting our website. Please consider supporting our work by volunteering or by making a donation.

Caring  Christians 4 Kenya, a Franklin Wi based federally recognized 501(c)3 non profit organization